Directions (By Train, Car, Plane)

By Train

Directions from Zurich main station

At the main station take tram 11 in the direction of "Auzelg" to the stop "Bucheggplatz". There you change to bus 69, which will take you to the bus stop "ETH Hönggerberg".
The city map below shows the routes of the main public transport lines to the ETH buildings.

Plan Public Transport
map public transport

By Plane

Directions from Zurich airport

At the airport, buy a "ZVV" ticket to Zurich; this ticket is valid for the entire public transportation network between the airport and Zurich and within Zurich.
Take the S-Bahn S 16 in the direction of Oerlikon.
At Oerlikon station, change to bus 80 in the direction of "Triemli" or "Triemlispital". Get off at the "ETH Hönggerberg" stop. (also see plan above)

Approach by car/suppliers

Freeway coming from Bern/Basel:

NORDRING to Gubristtunnel, there take exit "Affoltern-Regensdorf".

After the exit "Affoltern-Regensdorf" follow direction "Zürich Affoltern" onto Wehntalerstrasse, at the second traffic light (Zehntenhausplatz) turn right into Schauenbergstrasse, following the sign "Höngg / ETH".

The road now leads uphill (speedlimit 30), and at the highest point turn right towards "ETH Hönggerberg". Please drive on the bridge (See Picture "Arrival at Albert-Einstein-Brücke") drive to the side and phone us (+41 44 633 43 82).

Afterwards on theoverpass,
keep going straight (over the roundabout)
to the P1 underground car park. Park there and go to the main exit (marked). You emerge in the garden, walk past the HPR building and the refectory on the right and down the wide staircase. Immediately after the stairs turn left, building HCI at Vladimir Prelog Way 3, where we are located.

If you have a GPS, enter Alberteinsteinbrücke, Albert-Einstein-Brücke or Alberteinsteinstrasse as a address.


Freeway Coming from St. Gallen, Schaffhausen:

Drive towards "Bern/Basel" on the NORDRING, ignore all exits "Zürich City", first exit ramp exit "Affoltern-Regensdorf".

After the exit "Affoltern-Regensdorf" follow direction "Zürich Affoltern" onto Wehntalerstrasse, at the second traffic light (Zehntenhausplatz) turn right into Schauenbergstrasse, following the sign "Höngg / ETH".

The road now leads uphill (speedlimit 30), and at the highest point turn right towards "ETH Hönggerberg". Please drive on the bridge (See Picture "Arrival at Albert-Einstein-Brücke") drive to the side and phone us (+41 44 633 43 82).

Afterwards on theoverpass, keep going straight (over the roundabout)
to the P1 underground car park. Park there and go to the main exit (marked). You emerge in the garden, walk past the HPR building and the refectory on the right and down the wide staircase. Immediately after the stairs turn left, building HCI at Vladimir Prelog Way 3, where we are located.

If you have a GPS, enter Alberteinsteinbrücke, Albert-Einstein-Brücke or Alberteinsteinstrasse as a address.


Additional Info for suppliers:

Please drive to the side on the bridge (See picture: bridge in front of entrance to P1) and contact us by phone (+41 44 633 43 82) - we will help with unloading and questions.
You can unload at the delivery 4 see "Unloading" on the plan "parking garage and delivery".

Additional info for cars / suppliers

map please phone from here
Please stop here and phone us: +41 44 633 43 82  
picture arrival ETH
Arrival at Albert-Einstein-Brücke - follow the with truck for parking and unloading. Position at red dot on the plan above.
Plan Parking and unloading
Plan Parking and unloading station. Coming from the entrance above
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