Terms & Conditions
Data Retention Policy
We refer to the ETH data policy Art 7 paragraph 2 Download Data Management policy ETH (PDF, 229 KB)
Instrument Repair Policy
Whereas we take into account the general usage and loss of sensitivity due to the normal usage by all customer samples, sometimes a sample or action by a customer (in the service or open-access labs) causes significant damage to instrumentation. This might result in large repair costs. MoBiAS reserves the right to bill the user group for these repairs.
MoBiAS Policy Control
The above polices have been approved by the MoBiAS Steering Committee:
- Prof. Dr. Bode Jeffrey (Acting Chair)
- Prof. Dr. Anastasaki Athina
- Prof. Dr. Bezdek Máté
- Prof. Dr. Riek Roland
- Prof. Dr. Arosio Paolo
- Prof. Dr. Scheuermann Jörg